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Showing posts from June, 2018

The promise of change.

Seasons are a marker of time. They are a sign of change, growth, of giving way to new life, and a comfort in knowing that as one season ends another one simply begins. As our summer came to an end so did the warm days, the long bright nights and the fully blossomed trees, giving way to cooler temperatures, different colours and a promise that things were going to be different. I was hoping that as the leaves of summer began to change, crisp and fall away, so would the isolation and restrictions of chemotherapy. You see, this new season was promising more than cool cosy nights with Autumn coloured leaves. For us, it was signalling the beginning of the end of Maisie's treatment. We started the month of October counting down in single figures the weeks we had left to endure this way of life, hoping with all of our might that we would reach that final day. So with this being our focus and me having the good old saying of "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" ringing i