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Showing posts from August, 2018

Life isn't always perfect, but your outfit can be!!!

Sometimes, when things are hard and seeming hopeless, its difficult to see beyond what you are facing, like things will never change and it will never get better. I've been there many times over the past year and its a dark and scary place. But, there is a little saying that I've told myself a hundred times since becoming a mother and I know I will tell myself it a hundred times more over the coming years, and its this..."this too shall pass." Because nothing lasts forever. On the morning of Tuesday 14th November I woke with a sense of disbelief. I couldn't quite believe that we had reached this day, that it had come, it was here and we were about to live it. Just another day to most people I'm sure, but to us it was a day that was so significant, so defining, and so important to Maisie's' journey and her life. Today was to be the end. Today was to be her last chemotherapy treatment.   I woke her from her slumber that morning and I held her