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Life after cancer. Part 1

Life after cancer! What do you imagine it is like? Second chances and happy hearts? New beginnings and grabbing life with both hands? Well, to some degree it absolutely is, I see that in Maisie almost on a daily basis. But there is another side to it, a side which isn't so bright and beautiful as the impact of the trauma begins to show. That's what I see in me. So I will write this chapter of our lives in two parts, of course beginning with our wonderful Maisie. Going into the New Year cancer free was an amazing feeling, and its almost as if Maisie knew and understood because her new words were 'happy, happy, happy,' which she repeated over and over. We noticed that as her energy levels began to build so did her smile, her laugh and her strength. Maisie was starting to be on her feet a lot more as the strength built in her little legs so we decided to make a day of it and take her shopping for her first pair of shoes, (crawlers). With the restrictions of treatmen
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