Every morning when I lift Maisie from her cot to change her nappy, I excitedly pull open the buttons of her baby-grow to free her warm little legs. I kiss her feet and tickle her thighs to see the smiles appear and the dimple creep onto her cheek. But this particular morning I wasn't so eager. I didn't want to see her beautiful naked skin stretched out in an odd shape on her side, covering the thing that was making itself a home inside her body. When I did see it that morning it seemed larger and more prominent and all those thoughts I had been trying to keep at bay came crashing to the forefront of my mind. My instinct, (us mothers definitely have one), was telling me that this is very serious and more sinister than what we thought. I tried to keep myself busy while I waited for the doctors surgery to open so I decided to bath Maisie. When I looked at her happy little face and the way she was splashing so care free in the water and blowing raspberries, it seemed so surreal t...