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Showing posts from November, 2017

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Going through this cancer process with Maisie can at times be very isolating. We are restricted to where we can go, what we can do and who we can be around. Simple everyday things that we all take for granted are such a challenge for us and it can feel at times like we are missing out on so much while the rest of the world are moving along without us. I constantly see families going out for little adventures to the forest or zoo, going for coffee dates with their friends and little ones, having play dates at the park and creating wonderful and happy memories with their babies, and it secretly crushes me. As a mother it hurts to know that while other babies are out exploring the soft and cool feeling of sand between their toes, my little girl is at home playing with a bucket and spade and make believe sand. While other children are playing outdoors and getting dirt under their nails my baby is indoors playing with toys that have been cleaned with Dettol. The one that gets me the most is

Childrens Cancer Unit Charity.

I've said it before, how everyone feels in different ways and everyone heals in different ways, and it's so true. Even though my husband and I are facing the exact same thing and we are both in this together, we are coping in two very different ways. For me, I wear my heart on my sleeve. For me, I cry almost on a daily basis and on the days where I manage to hold the tears back, I do so barely. I find it difficult to see past any of this, to think of anything other than my little girl who is battling a life threatening disease. All my energy and focus is on her, all day, everyday, and I can't change that. For me, that's what I need to do. My husband on the other hand, is your typical man, (not meaning to be sexist here). Although I know his heart is also broken and he too is devastated for our little girl, he rarely talks about his feelings and he rarely shows his emotions. Instead he focuses on being practical, keeping busy, making plans and looking to the future. All

100 Miles for Maisie

"Anyone can show up when you are happy. But the ones who stay by your side when your heart falls apart, they are your true friends." Bridgette Nicole. Since Maisie's diagnosis my husband and I have been blown away by the thoughts, prayers and kindness given to us by most of our friends, family and even from people whom we have never even met. It makes me so proud as her mummy to know that Maisie has captured the hearts of so many people with her fighting spirit and determination, and is looked upon as the true inspirational little girl that she is. I want to take this opportunity to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the messages we receive to see how Maisie is doing, the meals that have been cooked and left with us, those who have stopped by to say hello and for a wee cuppa, and for the gifts and cards that we have received. It all means so much to us. I know that what we are going through is very difficult, it is a situation that you don't come

Daisy Lodge - Rest and relaxation at the foot of the Mournes.

When this year started, one of the things I was looking forward to the most was our first family holiday away. We were to fly to Spain and spend ten days together splashing in the pool with Maisie, eating all the ice cream we could manage, soaking up quality time and creating life long memories. But that wasn't meant to be. Maisie's diagnosis meant that we had to cancel the holiday and put our entire focus on getting her better. No matter how much we felt like we all needed a little break or a few days away, especially for Maisie's' sake, we had to come to peace with the idea that it just wasn't going to happen for us. That was until we were put in touch with The Cancer Fund for Children Charity. The Cancer Fund for Children have a real understanding of how a cancer diagnosis has a devastating impact on the entire family. They realise that beyond the clinical treatment that is needed, there is also a family life that needs rebuilt and nurtured. So as well as o